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Friday, 2 October 2015

New Crumpets Nail Tarts - Hobbies

So, I've had a few weeks away from nail art, but the start of a New Crumpet's Nail Tarts challenge has inspired me to go back to my blog.

The new group will be posting challenges on a weekly basis on a Friday - one week it will be a theme (this week's theme is Hobbies) and the following week it will be a colour, linked with a pattern. Each member has a different pattern to create with the colour for the week and all the designs will then get posted in a giant collage. 

Sounds complicated huh!!!! Hope I don't mess up!!!

 We've had several weeks notice to get our heads around how it's all going to work, and yet I find myself on the evening of post day, week one and have only just thought about what my first post will be !!!

My first thought, was to do something nail related, (as it's the only real hobby I have!!!) but I guessed quite a few of the group members would do something similar, and I wasn't wrong!!! 

Instead, I decided to go back 35 years to a hobby that my Grandma introduced me to - Patchwork!!!

I used 3 Leighton Denny polishes "I Like Likac", "Really Royal" and "Morning Dew". They were free gifts with last month's Harper's Bazaar Magazine (I managed to get 4 of the 6 colours - although the girl in the shop thought I was mad!!!)

So, there it is, week 1 of New Crumpets Nail Tarts - Hobbies!!!



  1. Love it! I have quilts like that my mother made...sigh...:)

  2. so cute, your nails look great and I love the colors that you used :)
    x Creativenails4fun
