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Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Wiki'd Nail Challenge - Salicylic Acid!!!

So, another week into the Wiki'd nails challenge and another week where I was totally stumped and didn't have a clue what to create (it's a bit of a recurring theme with this challenge!!!)

Here's the Wikipedia definition

Salicylic acid (from Latin salixwillow tree, from the bark of which the substance used to be obtained) is a monohydroxybenzoic acid, a type of phenolic acid and a beta hydroxy acid

This didn't help me much (I was never any good at Chemistry at school!!!) so I checked out the photos on the Wikipedia post.

There weren't many but this one caught my eye and sewed the seed of an idea!!!
I was going to try and create the design freehand but I came across a stamping plate with a similar design (whilst looking for something else!!) so decided to practice my stamping skills (or lack of them!!!)

I started with a simple pastel neon gradient ....

.....then stamped the design in black. I was really pleased with how this design turned out despite an initial lack of inspiration!!!

So there it is - this week's contribution to Wiki'd Naiks Challenge - Salicylic Acid!!!


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Friday, 3 July 2015

Wiki'd Nail Challenge - Midas!!!

So, another week gone and another Wiki'd nail challenge completed. This week didn't prove to be quite so challenging as previous weeks but maybe that's because I went for the easy option!!!

The Wikipedia definition of Midas is as follows

Midas (/ˈmdəs/GreekΜίδας) is the name of at least three members of the royal house of Phrygia.
The most famous King Midas is popularly remembered in Greek mythology for his ability to turn everything he touched with his hand into gold

I started with this amazing neon coral polish from Claire's as my base colour. I've got to mention at this point, (and I know it's going to expose my age!!) but all the way through this mani, and even now as I write this blog, I've got the 1986 Midnight Star song "Midas Touch" running through my head!!!! Please don't tell me I'm the only one who remembers this tune!!!

I then used Ciate Carousel on a piece of sponge to create this Midas Mani.

So there it is, this week's Wiki'd nail challenge - Midas!!!
